Classic Words on God’s Disposition and What He Has and Is(2)

21. Who survives except by the words in My mouth? Who does not lie under My watchful eye? As I carry out My new work on the whole earth, who has ever been able to escape from it? Could it be that the mountains are able to evade it by means of their height? Could it be that the waters, by their multitudinous vastness, are able to fend it off? In My plan, I have never lightly let any thing go, and so there has never been any person, or any thing, that has eluded the grasp of My hands.

from “The Twenty-third Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh

22. Not only have I made a new beginning in the dwelling place of the great red dragon, I have also embarked on new work in the universe. Soon the kingdoms of the earth will become My kingdom; soon the kingdoms of the earth will forever cease to exist because of My kingdom, because I have already achieved victory, because I have returned triumphant. The great red dragon has exhausted every conceivable means to disrupt My plan, hoping to erase My work on the earth, but can I grow disheartened on account of its deceitful stratagems? Can I be frightened into losing confidence by its threats? There has never been a single being in either heaven or earth that I do not hold in the palm of My hand; how much the more is this true of the great red dragon, this device that serves as a foil to Me? Is it not also an object to be manipulated with My hands?

from “The Twelfth Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh

23. God is not bound by time; His work and His glory come first. Therefore, however long it takes, He will not spare any sacrifice if it is His work. This is the disposition of God: He will not rest until His work is achieved. Only when the time comes that He obtains the second part of His glory can His work be drawn to a close.

from “Is the Work of God So Simple as Man Imagines?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

24. The disposition of God is a subject that seems very abstract to everyone and is moreover one that is not easy for everyone to accept, for His disposition is unlike a human being’s personality. God, too, has His own emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, but these emotions differ from those of man. … The joy of God is due to the existence and emergence of righteousness and light; because of the destruction of darkness and evil. He takes delight because He has brought the light and a good life to mankind; His joy is a righteous joy, a symbol of the existence of all that is positive and, even more, a symbol of auspiciousness. The anger of God is due to the existence of injustice and the disturbance it causes that are harming His mankind; because of the existence of evil and darkness, because of the existence of things that drive out the truth, and even more because of the existence of things that oppose what is good and beautiful. His anger is a symbol that all things negative no longer exist and, even more, is a symbol of His holiness. His sorrow is due to mankind, for whom He has hopes but who has fallen into darkness, because the work He does on man does not come up to His expectations, and because the mankind He loves cannot all live in the light. He feels sorrow for the innocent mankind, for the honest but ignorant man, and for the man who is good but lacking in his own views. His sorrow is a symbol of His goodness and of His mercy, a symbol of beauty and of kindness. His happiness, of course, comes from defeating His enemies and gaining the good faith of man. More than this, it arises from the expulsion and destruction of all enemy forces, and because mankind receives a good and peaceful life. The happiness of God is unlike the joy of man; rather, it is the feeling of garnering good fruits, a feeling even greater than joy. His happiness is a symbol of mankind breaking free of suffering from this time forth, and a symbol of mankind entering a world of light. The emotions of mankind, on the other hand, all arise for the sake of his own interests, not for righteousness, light, or what is beautiful, and least of all for the grace bestowed by Heaven. The emotions of mankind are selfish and belong to the world of darkness. They do not exist for the sake of the will, much less for the plan of God, and so man and God can never be spoken of in the same breath.

from “It Is Very Important to Understand God’s Disposition” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

25. His heart leaps and aches at every one of man’s actions: He is angered, distressed and grieved over man’s evil and corruption; He is pleased, joyful, forgiving and jubilant for man’s repentance and belief; every single one of His thoughts and ideas exist for and revolve around mankind; what He is and has is expressed entirely for mankind’s sake; the entirety of His emotions are intertwined with mankind’s existence. For mankind’s sake, He travels and rushes about; He silently gives forth every bit of His life; He dedicates every minute and second of His life…. He has never known how to pity His own life, yet He has always pitied and cherished the mankind He Himself created…. He gives all that He has to this humanity…. He grants His mercy and tolerance unconditionally and without expectation of recompense. He does this only so that mankind can continue to survive before His eyes, receiving His provision of life; He does this only so that mankind may one day submit before Him and recognize that He is the One who nourishes man’s existence and supplies the life of all creation.

from “God Himself, the Unique II” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

26. When lightning issues forth from the East—which is also precisely the moment that I begin to speak—at the moment the lightning comes forth, the whole empyrean is illuminated, and all the stars begin to transform. … Once again, My day is pressing close upon the human race, once again arousing the human race, giving humanity a point from which to make a new beginning. My heart beats and, following the rhythms of My heartbeat, the mountains leap for joy, the waters dance with joy, and the waves, keeping time, beat upon the rocky reefs. It is difficult to express what is in My heart. I want all unclean things to burn up into ashes under My gaze, I want all the sons of disobedience to disappear from before My eyes, never more to linger on in existence.

from “The Twelfth Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh

27. I have embarked upon My work across the universe; the people of the universe suddenly awaken, and move around a core, which is My work, and when I “travel” within them, all escape Satan’s bondage, and are not tormented amid Satan’s affliction. Because of the arrival of My day, people are filled with happiness, the sorrow within their hearts vanishes, the clouds of sadness in the sky turn to oxygen in the air and float there, and at this moment, I enjoy the happiness of togetherness with man. Man’s actions give Me something to savor, and thus I am no longer aggrieved.

from “The Thirty-third Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh

28. As My voice deepens in intensity, I am also observing the state of the universe. Through My words, the myriad things of creation are all made new. Heaven changes, and earth too changes. Humanity is exposed in their original form and, slowly, each according to their kind, men find their way unawares back into the bosom of their families. At this, I will be greatly pleased. I am free from disruption, and My great work becomes complete, all unawares, the myriad things of creation are transformed, all unawares. … Ah, unclean old world! You shall surely fall down under My words! You shall surely be reduced to nothingness by My plan! Ah, the myriad things of creation! You will all gain new life within My words, you now have a Sovereign Lord! Ah, pure and unblemished new world! You shall surely revive within My glory! Ah, Mount Zion! Be silent no more. I have returned in triumph! From the midst of creation, I scrutinize the whole earth. On earth, mankind has begun a new life, has won new hope. Ah, My people! How can you not come back to life within My light? How can you not jump for joy under My guidance? The lands are shouting in jubilation, the waters are cacophonous with gleeful laughter! Ah, the resurrected Israel! How can you not feel pride on account of My predestination? Who has wept? Who has wailed? The Israel of old has ceased to be, and today’s Israel has risen up, erect and towering, in the world, has stood up in the hearts of all humanity. Today’s Israel shall surely attain the source of existence through My people!

from “The Twenty-sixth Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh

29. So many times, seeing the human race corrupted by My enemy, I have given up placing My hopes in mankind. So many times, seeing man come before Me in tears to sue for pardon, but on account of his lack of self-respect, his stubborn incorrigibility, I have closed My eyes to his action in anger, even when his heart is genuine and his intentions sincere. So many times, I see man capable of having faith to cooperate with Me, and how, before Me, he seems to be lying in My embrace, tasting the warmth of My embrace. So many times, seeing the innocence, liveliness, and loveliness of My chosen people, in My heart I have always taken pleasure on account of these things.

from “The Fifteenth Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh

30. When the Lord Jesus was baptized and officially began His work to fulfill His ministry, God’s heart was overwhelmed with joy because after so many years of waiting and preparation, He could finally wear the flesh of an average man and begin His new work in the form of a man of flesh and blood that people could see and touch. He could finally speak face-to-face and heart-to-heart with people through the identity of a man. God could finally be face to face with mankind in human language, in a human way; He could provide for mankind, enlighten them, and help them using human language; He could eat at the same table and live in the same space with them. He could also see human beings, see things, and see everything the way humans did and even through their own eyes. For God, this was already His first victory of His work in the flesh. It could also be said that it was an accomplishment of a great work—this of course was what God was happiest about.

from “God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself III” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

31. When God carries out a new stage of work, then He has a new beginning, and when this new work and new beginning are launched and introduced among mankind, it is when the outcome of this stage of work has already been determined, and it has been accomplished, and God has already seen its final effects and fruit. This is also when these effects make God feel satisfied, and His heart, of course, is happy. Because, in God’s eyes, He has already seen and determined the people He is looking for, and has already gained this group, a group that is able to make His work successful and bring Him satisfaction, God feels reassured, He puts aside His worries, and He feels happy. In other words, when the flesh of God is able to embark upon new work among man, and He begins to do the work He must do without obstruction, and when He feels that all has been accomplished, He has already seen the end. And because of this end He is satisfied, and of a happy heart.

from “God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself III” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

32. Anger rises within My heart, accompanied by a surging feeling of sorrow. When My eyes behold people’s deeds and their every word and action as filthy, My rage wells up, and in My heart there is a greater sense of the injustices of the human world, which makes Me more sorrowful; I long to end man’s flesh right away. I know not why man is incapable of cleansing himself in the flesh, why man cannot love himself in the flesh. Could it be that the ‘function’ of the flesh is so great?

from “Interpretation of the Twenty-seventh Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

33. I will correct the injustices of the human world. I will do My work with My own hands throughout the world, forbidding Satan from harming My people again, forbidding the enemies from doing whatever they please again. I will become King on earth and move My throne there, making all My enemies fall to the ground and confess their crimes before Me. In My sadness, anger is commingled, I will trample the whole universe flat, sparing no one, and striking terror into the hearts of My enemies. I will reduce the whole earth to ruins, and make My enemies fall into the ruins, that henceforth they may corrupt mankind no more. My plan is already fixed, and no one, no matter who they are, will be able to change it. As I roam in majestic pomp above the universe, all humanity will be made new, and everything will be revived. Man will no longer weep, and no longer will he cry out to Me for help. Then My heart will rejoice, and the people will return in celebration to Me. The whole universe, from top to bottom, will roil in jubilation …

from “The Twenty-seventh Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh

34. My mercy is expressed upon those who love Me and deny themselves. And the punishment visited upon the wicked is precisely proof of My righteous disposition and, even more, testimony to My wrath. When disaster comes, famine and plague will befall all those who oppose Me and they will weep. Those who have committed all manner of wickedness, but who have followed Me for many years, will not escape indictment; they too, falling into disaster, the like of which has seldom been seen throughout the ages, will come to live in a constant state of panic and fear. And those of My followers who have shown loyalty to Me alone shall rejoice and applaud My might. They will experience ineffable contentment and live in a joy that I have never before bestowed upon mankind. For I treasure the good deeds of men and abhor their evil deeds. Since I first began to lead mankind, I have been eagerly hoping to gain a group of men of the same mind with Me. I have never forgotten those who are not of the same mind with Me; I have held them with loathing in My heart, awaiting only the opportunity to visit My retribution on them, which will give Me relish to see.

from “You Ought to Prepare a Sufficiency of Good Deeds for Your Destination” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

36. God hates all the descendants of the great red dragon, and He hates the great red dragon even more. This is the root of the wrath within God’s heart. It seems that God wants to cast all things that belong to the great red dragon into the lake of fire and brimstone to thoroughly incinerate them. There are times that it even seems that God wants to extend His hand to personally wipe it out—only that could erase the hatred in His heart.

from “Interpretation of the Thirteenth Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

37. God has long since loathed this dark society to His very bones. He gnashes His teeth, desperate to plant His feet upon this wicked, heinous old serpent, so that it may never rise again, and will never again abuse man; He will not excuse its actions in the past, He will not tolerate its deceit of man, He will settle the score for every one of its sins throughout the ages; God will not be in the least bit lenient toward this ringleader of all evil,[1] He will utterly destroy it.

from “Work and Entry (8)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

38. Looking from My own experience, the more confrontational you are with God, the more God will show to you His majestic disposition, and the more severe will be the chastisement that He “serves” to you. The more you obey Him, the more He will love you and protect you. God’s disposition is like a torture device: If you obey you will be safe and sound. If you do not obey but always want to be in the limelight and play tricks, His disposition will change on a dime. Just like the sun on a cloudy day, He will hide from you and show you the wrath. It is also like the weather in June, with clear skies for miles and blue waves rippling on the surface of the water, until the water suddenly gains momentum and formidable waves well up. Given this disposition of God, do you dare to behave wildly and willfully? Most brothers and sisters have seen in their experiences that when the Holy Spirit works in the day they are full of confidence, but then God’s Spirit suddenly forsakes them without them knowing when, leaving them restless and sleepless at night, casting about for the direction in which His Spirit disappeared. But no matter what they are unable to find out where His Spirit went; and He appears to them again without them knowing when, and just like when Peter suddenly saw his Lord Jesus again, he was ecstatic and seemed to cry out with wild joy. Can you possibly forget having experienced this after so many times? The Lord Jesus Christ, who became flesh, was nailed to the cross, and then was resurrected and ascended into heaven, is always hidden to you for a time, then appears to you for a time. He reveals Himself to you because of your righteousness, and He becomes angry and departs from you because of your sins, so why don’t you entreat Him more?

from “The Path … (7)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

39. I am a consuming fire and I do not tolerate offense. Because humans were all created by Me, whatever I say and do, people must obey and may not rebel against. People do not have the right to meddle in My work, and they are particularly not qualified to analyze what is right or wrong in My work and My words. I am the Lord of creation, and the creatures should achieve everything that I require with a heart of reverence for Me; they should not reason with Me and they especially should not resist. I am using My authority to reign over My people, and all those who are part of My creation should obey My authority. Although today you are bold and presumptuous in front of Me, you disobey the words that I teach you with, and you do not fear, I only meet your rebelliousness with tolerance. I would not lose My temper and impact My work because the tiny little maggots turned over the dirt in the dung heap. I put up with the ongoing existence of everything that I loathe and the things that I abhor for the sake of My Father’s will, until My utterances are complete, until My very last moment.

from “When Falling Leaves Return to Their Roots You Will Regret All the Evil You Have Done” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

40. Since you have already set your determination to serve Me, I will not let you go. I am a God who hates evil, and I am a God who is jealous of man. Since you have already placed your words upon the altar, I will not tolerate you running off before My very eyes, and I will not tolerate you serving two masters. Did you think that you could have another love after you placed your words upon My altar, after you placed them in front of My eyes? How could I allow people to make a fool of Me that way? Did you think that you could casually make vows, make oaths to Me with your tongue? How could you swear oaths to the throne of Me, the Most High? Did you think that your oaths had already passed away? I tell you, even if your fleshes pass away, your oaths cannot pass away. At the end, I will condemn you based upon your oaths. Yet you think that you can place your words in front of Me to cope with Me and that your hearts can serve unclean spirits and evil spirits. How could My wrath tolerate those dog-like, pig-like people who cheat Me? I must carry out My administrative decrees, and wrest back from the hands of unclean spirits all of those stuffy, “pious” ones who believe in Me to “wait on” Me in an orderly fashion, to be My ox, to be My horse and be at the mercy of My slaughtering. I will have you pick up your previous determination and serve Me once again. I will not tolerate any one of creation to cheat Me. Did you think that you could just wantonly make requests and wantonly lie in front of Me? Did you think that I had not heard or seen your words and deeds? How could your words and deeds not be in My view? How could I allow people to cheat Me that way?

from “Your Character Is So Lowly!” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

41. In the eyes of Me, the Almighty, your words and actions are filthy. The eyes of Me, the Almighty, see your unrighteousness as unrelenting chastisement. How could My righteous chastisement and judgment depart from you? Because you do this to Me, making Me sorrowful and wrathful, how could I let you escape from My hands and depart from the day that I, Jehovah, chastise and curse you? Do you not know that all your evil words and utterances have already reached My ears? Do you not know that your unrighteousness has already besmirched My holy robe of righteousness? Do you not know that your disobedience has already provoked My vehement anger? Do you not know that you have long since left Me seething, and have long since tried My patience? Do you not know that you have already damaged My flesh to rags? I have endured until now, such that I release My anger, tolerant toward you no longer.

from “None Who Are of the Flesh Can Escape the Day of Wrath” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

42. Do you think your tongues can cheat My Spirit? Do you think that your tongues can escape My wrath? Do you think your tongues may pass judgment on the deeds of Me, Jehovah, however they wish? Am I the God whom man passes judgment on? Could I allow a little maggot to blaspheme Me thus? How could I posit such sons of disobedience among My eternal blessings? Your words and actions have long since exposed and condemned you. When I stretched out the heavens and created all things, I did not allow any creature to participate as they pleased, much less did I allow any thing to disrupt My work and My management however it wished. I tolerated no man or object; how could I spare those who are cruel and inhumane toward Me? How could I forgive those who rebel against My words? How could I spare those who disobey Me? Is the destiny of man not in the hands of Me, the Almighty? How could I consider your unrighteousness and disobedience holy? How could your sins defile My holiness? I am not defiled by the impurity of the unrighteous, nor do I enjoy the offerings of the unrighteous. If you were loyal toward Me, Jehovah, could you take for yourself the sacrifices at My altar? Could you use your venomous tongue to blaspheme My holy name? Could you rebel against My words in this way? Could you treat My glory and holy name as a tool with which to serve Satan, the evil one? My life is provided for the enjoyment of the holy ones. How could I allow you to play with My life however you wish, and use it as a tool for conflict among yourselves? How could you be so heartless, and so lacking in the way of the good, in how you are toward Me? Do you not know I have already written your evil doings in these words of life? How could you escape the day of wrath when I chastise Egypt? How could I be opposed and defied in this way by you, time and time again? I tell you plainly, when the day comes, your chastisement will be more unbearable than that of Egypt! How can you escape My day of wrath?

from “None Who Are of the Flesh Can Escape the Day of Wrath” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

43. When the angels play music in praise of Me, this cannot but stir up My sympathy for man. On the instant, My heart is filled with sadness, and it is impossible to rid Myself of this painful emotion. In the joys and sorrows of being sundered from and then reunited with man, we are unable to exchange sentiments. Separated in heaven above and on earth below, man and I are unable to meet regularly. Who can break free from nostalgia for former feelings? Who can stop reminiscing about the past? Who would not hope for the continuance of the sentiments of the past? Who would not pine for My return? Who would not long for My reunion with man? My heart is deeply troubled, and man’s spirit is deeply worried. Though alike in spirit, we cannot often be together, and we cannot often see each other.

from “The Twenty-seventh Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh

44. I often pray for our group to receive greater blessings from God that we might be favored by God and gained by Him, but there have also been countless times when I have shed bitter tears for us, asking that God enlighten us, and allow us to behold greater revelations. When I see that people are always trying to fool God and without resolve, considering the flesh or struggling for fame and fortune to take center stage, how could I not feel so pained in My heart? How can people be so senseless? Is it that what I do bears no fruit? If your children were all rebellious and were not filial to you, had no conscience, only cared for themselves, never had empathy for your feelings, and just kicked you out of the house after they grew up, how would you feel at that point? Wouldn’t you be awash in tears and reminiscing about the great price you paid to raise them?

from “The Path … (7)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

45. What can be seen in the people in mainland China is nothing but corrupt satanic dispositions, so in God’s work in these people, it’s nearly impossible to find anything worthwhile within them; all the work is done by the Holy Spirit, and it is only that the Holy Spirit moves people more, and works in them. It’s nearly impossible to utilize those people; that is, the work of being moved by the Holy Spirit coupled with people’s cooperation cannot be done. The Holy Spirit just slogs away to move people, but even so people are just numb and insensate and have no idea what it is that God is doing. So, God’s work in mainland China is comparable to His work of creating the world. He makes all men born again and changes everything about them because there’s nothing worthwhile within these people. It’s so heartbreaking. I often make a sorrowful prayer for these people: “God, may Your great power be revealed in these people so that Your Spirit may greatly move them, and so that these numb and dull-witted sufferers may awaken, no longer sleep, and see the day of Your glory.”

from “The Path … (6)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

46. Whenever God is upset, He faces a mankind that doesn’t pay any attention to Him at all, a mankind that follows Him and claims to love Him but completely neglects His feelings. How can His heart not hurt? In God’s management work, He sincerely carries out His work on and speaks to each person, and faces them without reservation or concealment, but conversely, every person who follows Him is closed off toward Him, and no one is willing to actively get closer to Him, understand His heart, or pay attention to His feelings. Even those who want to become God’s intimates don’t want to get close to Him, to be considerate toward His heart, or try to understand Him. When God is joyful and happy, there is no one to share His happiness. When God is misunderstood by people, there is no one to comfort His wounded heart. When His heart is hurting, there is not a single person willing to listen to Him confide in them. Through these thousands of years of God’s management work, there is no one who understands God’s emotions, nor anyone who comprehends or appreciates them, let alone anyone who could stand alongside God to share in His joys and sorrows. God is lonely. He is lonely! God is lonely not just because corrupted mankind opposes Him, but more because those who pursue to be spiritual, those who seek to know God and understand Him, and even those who are willing to devote their entire lives to Him, also don’t know His thoughts and don’t understand His disposition and His emotions.

from “God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself I” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

47. When man obeys Me, My heart rests easy and I immediately sense great changes in all things in heaven and on earth; when man praises Me, how could I not enjoy it? When man witnesses Me and is gained by Me, how could I not be glorified?

from “The Ninth Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh

48. The people cheer Me, the people praise Me; all mouths name the one true God, all people raise their eyes to watch My deeds. The kingdom descends on the world, My person is rich and bountiful. Who would not celebrate for this? Who would not dance with joy for this? Oh, Zion! Raise your triumphant banner to celebrate Me! Sing your triumphant song of victory and spread My holy name! All things on earth! Now purify yourselves in sacrifice for Me! Stars in the sky! Now return to your places and show My greatness in the firmament! I attend to the voices of the people on earth, pouring out infinite love and reverence for Me in song! On this day, as all things rejuvenate, I come to walk the earth. At this moment, the flowers bloom, the birds sing, all things are full of jubilation! In the sound of the kingdom’s salute, Satan’s kingdom collapses, destroyed in the reverberating chorus of the kingdom anthem. And it will never rise again!

Who on the earth dares to rise and resist? As I descend to earth I bring burning, bring wrath, bring all disasters. The earthly kingdoms now are My kingdom! Up in the sky, the clouds tumble and billow; under the sky, lakes and rivers surge and churn out a moving melody. Resting animals emerge from their dens, and all peoples who slumber are awakened by Me. The day all peoples have awaited finally has come! They offer up the most beautiful songs to Me!

from “Kingdom Anthem” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh

49. From the time of creation until today, I have fought many victorious battles, and have done many admirable things. Many people once celebrated Me, and offered praise to Me, and danced for Me. Although these were stirring scenes, and unforgettable, I never showed My smile, for I had yet to conquer man, and was merely doing part of the work similar to the creation. Today is unlike the past. I give a smile upon the throne, I have conquered man, and people all bow down in worship before Me. The people of today are not those of the past. When has My work not been for the sake of the present? When has it not been for My glory? For the sake of a brighter tomorrow, I shall make plain all of My work in man many times over, so that all of My glory may “rest” in man, who was created. I shall take this as the principle of My work. Those who are willing to cooperate with Me, rise up and work hard so that more of My glory may fill the firmament. Now is the time to carry out grand plans. All those who are beneath the care and protection of My love have the chance to put their abilities to use here, in My place, and I shall maneuver all things to “turn” for My work. The birds flying in the sky are My glory in the sky, the seas upon the earth are My doings upon the earth, the master of all things is My manifestation among all things, and I employ all that there is upon the earth as the capital for My management, causing all things to multiply, flourish, and burst with life.

from “The Forty-second Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh

50. My righteousness, majesty and judgment will endure forever and ever. At first, I was loving and merciful, but this is not the disposition of My complete divinity; righteousness, majesty and judgment are just the disposition of Me—the complete God Himself. During the Age of Grace I was loving and merciful. Because of the work I had to finish I had lovingkindness and mercy, but afterward there was no need for any lovingkindness or mercy (there has been none since then). It is all righteousness, majesty and judgment and this is the complete disposition of My normal humanity coupled with My complete divinity.

from “The Seventy-ninth Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
