What people does God save? What people does He eliminate?

The Church of Almighty God

Relevant Words of God:

Those who belong to Satan do not understand the words of God, and those who belong to God can hear the voice of God. All those who realize and understand the words I speak are the ones who will be saved, and bear testimony to God; all those who do not understand the words that I speak cannot bear testimony to God, and are the ones who will be eliminated.

from “Knowing the Three Stages of God’s Work Is the Path to Knowing God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

The living are those whose spirits have been reborn, who know to obey God, and who are loyal to God. They are possessed of the truth, and of testimony, and only these people are pleasing to God in His house. God saves those who can come alive, who can see God’s salvation, who can be loyal to God, and willing to seek God. He saves those who believe in God’s incarnation, and believe in His appearance. Some people can come alive, and some people can’t; it depends on whether their nature can be saved or not. Many people have heard a lot of God’s words yet do not understand God’s will, they have heard God’s many words but are still incapable of putting them into practice, they are incapable of living out any truth and also deliberately interfere with God’s work. They are incapable of doing any work for God, they cannot devote anything to Him, and they also secretly spend the church’s money, and eat in the house of God for free. These people are dead, and they will not be saved. God saves all those who are amid His work. But there is a part of them who cannot receive His salvation; only a small number can receive His salvation, for most people are too dead, they are so dead that they cannot be saved, they have been totally exploited by Satan, and in nature, they are too malicious. Neither was that small number of people fully able to obey God. They were not those who had been absolutely faithful to God since the beginning, or who had the utmost love for God since the beginning; instead, they have become obedient to God because of His work of conquest, they see God because of His supreme love, there are changes in their disposition because of God’s righteous disposition, and they come to know God because of His work, which is both real and normal.

from “Have You Come Alive?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

God has always perfected those who serve Him. He does not cast them out lightly. If you truly accept the judgment and chastisement of God’s word, if you can put aside your old religious practices and rules, and cease to use old religious notions as the measure of God’s word of today, only then will there be a future for you. But if you cling to old things, if you still treasure them, then there is no way you can be saved. God takes no notice of people like that.

from “Religious Way of Service Must Be Banned” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

People who genuinely believe in God are those who are willing to put God’s word into practice and are willing to practice the truth. People who can genuinely stand witness for God are also those who are willing to put His word into practice and can genuinely stand on the side of the truth. People who resort to trickery and injustice all lack the truth, and they all bring shame to God. Those who engage in disputes in the church are Satan’s lackeys, and are the embodiment of Satan. Such people are so malicious. Those who have no discernment and are incapable of standing on the side of the truth all harbor evil intentions and tarnish the truth. These people are even more quintessential representatives of Satan; they are beyond redemption, and are of course objects for elimination. God’s family does not allow those who do not practice the truth to remain, nor does it allow to remain those who deliberately dismantle the church. However, now is not the time to do the work of expulsion; such people will simply be exposed and eliminated in the end. No more useless work is to be expended on these people; those who belong to Satan cannot stand on the side of the truth, whereas those who seek the truth can. People who do not practice the truth are unworthy of hearing the way of the truth and unworthy of bearing witness to the truth. The truth is simply not for their ears; rather, it is directed at those who practice it. Before every person’s end is revealed, those who disturb the church and interrupt God’s work will first be left aside for now, to be dealt with later. Once the work is complete, these people will be exposed one after another, and then be eliminated. For the time being, while the truth is being provided, they will be ignored. When the whole truth is revealed to humanity, those people should be eliminated; that will be the time when all people will be classed according to their kind. Due to their petty cleverness, those without discernment will come to ruin at the hands of evil people, and will be led astray by evil people and will be unable to return. These people should be handled in this way, because they do not love the truth, because they are incapable of standing on the side of the truth, because they follow evil people and stand on the side of evil people, and because they collude with evil people and defy God. They know perfectly well that those evil people radiate evil, yet they harden their hearts and go contrary to the truth to follow them. Are these people who do not practice the truth but who do destructive and abominable things not all doing evil? Although there are those among them who style themselves as kings and others who follow them, are their God-defying natures not all the same? What excuse can they have to claim that God does not save them? What excuse can they have to claim that God is not righteous? Is it not their own evil that is destroying them? Is it not their own rebelliousness that is dragging them down into hell? People who practice the truth will, in the end, be saved and perfected because of the truth. Those who do not practice the truth will, in the end, court destruction because of the truth. These are the ends that await those who practice the truth and those who do not.

from “A Warning to Those Who Do Not Practice the Truth” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

I watch from the throne. I look deep into the hearts of people. I save those who earnestly and fervently desire Me, and I take pity on them. I will save into eternity those who love Me in their hearts more than all else, those who understand My will, and who follow Me to the end of the road. My hand will hold them safely so that they do not confront this scene and they come to no harm.

from “Chapter 35” of Utterances of Christ in the Beginning in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Some behave in a prim and proper fashion and seem particularly “well-mannered” in the presence of God, yet they turn defiant and lose all restraint in the presence of the Spirit. Would you number such a man among the ranks of the honest? If you are a hypocrite and one who is adept at socializing, then I say that you are definitely one who trifles with God. If your words are riddled with excuses and valueless justifications, then I say that you are one who is extremely loath to put the truth into practice. If you have many confidences that you are reluctant to share, and if you are very unwilling to lay bare your secrets—that is to say, your difficulties—before others so as to seek the way of the light, then I say that you are one who will not receive salvation easily and who will not easily emerge from the darkness. If seeking the way of the truth pleases you well, then you are one who dwells always in the light. If you are very glad to be a service-doer in the house of God, working diligently and conscientiously in obscurity, always giving and never taking, then I say that you are a loyal saint, because you seek no reward and are simply being an honest man. If you are willing to be candid, if you are willing to expend your all, if you are able to sacrifice your life for God and stand witness, if you are honest to the point where you know only to satisfy God and not to consider yourself or take for yourself, then I say that these people are those who are nourished in the light and who shall live forever in the kingdom.

from “Three Admonitions” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Some people quit when something negative befalls them, and are unable to get up after each setback. These people are all fools who do not love truth, and they will fail to gain the truth even if they spend a lifetime of faith. How could such fools follow to the end? Astute people and those who truly have the inner quality and understand spiritual matters are seekers of the truth, and eight times out of ten they are perhaps able to gain some inspiration, lesson, enlightenment and progress. When the same thing happens to a fool who doesn’t understand spiritual matters, ten times, not once will they gain any life benefit, not once will they make any change and not once will they understand their nature. They fail ten times, they stumble ten times, but they are still not awakened nor do they seek the truth to find the root of the problem. No matter how much that kind of person may listen to sermons, they’ll never understand the truth—they’re a lost cause. Every time they stumble they need someone else to help them back up, to coax them. If they’re not coaxed or given a hand, they simply won’t get up again. Each time it happens, there is the danger of falling, and each time there is the danger of them degenerating. Isn’t this the end for them? Are there still any grounds for these useless people to be saved? God’s salvation of mankind is salvation for those who love the truth. It is salvation for those with willpower and resolve, those who aspire to the truth and to righteousness. To say someone has resolve means that they yearn for righteousness, goodness and truth, and that they have conscience. God works in these people so that they may understand and gain the truth, so that their corruption may be cleansed and their life disposition can be transformed. If within you there is no love for the truth or aspiration for righteousness and light, then whenever you encounter evil, you won’t have the will to cast off evil things or the resolution to suffer hardship, and if your conscience is numb, your faculty for receiving truth is also numb, you aren’t sensitive to truth or the things that happen, aren’t able to distinguish anything, and you have no ability to handle or resolve things, then there is no way to be saved. This kind of person has nothing to recommend them, has nothing worth working with. They don’t respond no matter how clearly or transparently God speaks about the truth, as if they are already dead. Isn’t it over for them? Anyone with a breath can be saved by artificial respiration. But if they have already died and their soul has left, then artificial respiration will do nothing. Once something befalls you, you shrink, and you bear no witness, so you can never be saved and you are completely done for.

from “Confused People Cannot Be Saved” in Records of Christ’s Talks

Such men have no understanding of the new work but are filled with endless notions. They serve no function whatsoever in the church; rather, they make mischief and spread negativity everywhere, even to the point of engaging in all manner of misconduct and disturbance in the church, and thereby throwing those who lack discrimination into confusion and disarray. These living devils, these evil spirits should leave the church as soon as possible, lest the church be blighted on your account. You may not fear the work of today, but do you not fear the righteous punishment of tomorrow? There are large numbers of people in the church who are freeloaders, as well as a great number of wolves that seek to disrupt the normal work of God. These things are all demons sent by the Devil, vicious wolves who seek to devour the guileless lambs. If these so-called men are not expelled, they become parasites on the church and moths devouring the offerings. These contemptible, ignorant, base, and repulsive maggots will one day be punished!

from “Those Who Obey God With a True Heart Shall Surely Be Gained by God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Those who only think of their flesh and like comfort, those whose faith is ambiguous, those who engage in witchcraft medicine and sorcery, those who are promiscuous, and tattered and ragged, those who steal sacrifices to Jehovah and His possessions, those who love bribes, those who idly dream of going to heaven, those who are arrogant and conceited, and only strive for personal fame and fortune, those who spread impertinent words, those who blaspheme God Himself, those who do nothing but make judgments against and slander God Himself, those who gang up with others and try to form an independent group, those who exalt themselves higher than God, those frivolous young men and women, and middle- and old-aged men and women who are ensnared in licentiousness, those men and women who enjoy personal fame and fortune and pursue personal status among others, those unrepentant people who are trapped in sin—are they not all beyond salvation? Licentiousness, sinfulness, witchcraft medicine, sorcery, profanity, and impertinent words all run riot among you while the words of truth and life are trampled among you, and the holy language is defiled among you. You Gentiles, bloated with filth and disobedience! Where will you end up? How dare those who love the flesh, who commit evil acts of the flesh, and who are ensnared in licentious sins have the face to continue living? Don’t you know that people such as you are maggots that are beyond salvation? What qualifies you to demand this and that? To date, there has not been the slightest change in those who do not love the truth and only love the flesh—so how can such people be saved? Even today, those who do not love the way of life, who do not exalt God and bear testimony to Him, who scheme for the sake of their own status, who extol themselves—aren’t they still the same? Where’s the value in saving them? Whether you can be saved doesn’t depend on how well-qualified you are, or how many years you’ve been working, much less on how many credentials you have. It depends on whether your pursuit has borne fruit. You ought to know that those who are saved are the “trees” that bear fruit, not the trees with lush foliage and abundant flowers that yield no fruit. Even if you’ve spent many years wandering the streets, so what? Where is your testimony? Your reverence for God is far lower than your love of yourself and your lustful desires—isn’t someone like this a degenerate? How could they be a specimen and model for salvation? Your nature is unchangeable, you are too rebellious, you are beyond salvation! Aren’t those the kind of people that will be eliminated? Is the time when My work finishes not the time of the arrival of your last day? I’ve done so much work and spoken so many words among you—how much of it has gone in your ears? How much of it have you ever obeyed? When My work ends will also be when you stop opposing Me and standing against Me. During the period of My work, you always act against Me; you never comply with My words. I do My work, and you do your own “work,” you make your own little kingdom—you pack of foxes and dogs, everything you do is against Me! You’re always trying to bring those who love only you into your embrace—where is your reverence? Everything you do is deceitful! You have no obedience or reverence—everything you do is deceitful and blasphemous! Can such people be saved? Sexually immoral, lascivious men always want to draw those coquettish harlots to them for their own enjoyment. I absolutely will not save such sexually immoral demons. I hate you filthy demons, your lasciviousness and coquettishness will plunge you into hell—what have you to say for yourselves? You filthy demons and evil spirits are so repulsive! You’re disgusting! How could such trash be saved? Could they who are ensnared in sin still be saved? Today, this truth, this way, and this life hold no attraction to you; you’re attracted to sinfulness, to money, standing, fame and gain, the enjoyments of the flesh, the handsomeness of men and coquettishness of women. What qualifies you to enter My kingdom? Your image is even greater than God’s, your status is higher than God’s, to say nothing of your prestige among men—you have become an idol that people worship. Have you not become the archangel? When people’s outcomes are revealed, which is also when the work of salvation draws to a close, many of those among you will be corpses that are beyond salvation and must be eliminated.

from “Practice (7)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

The people who will later survive through rest will all have endured the day of tribulation and also borne witness for God; they will all be people who have done their duty and intend to obey God. Those who merely wish to use the opportunity to do service to avoid practicing truth will not be able to remain. God has appropriate standards for the arrangement of the outcomes of all people; He does not merely make these decisions according to one’s words and conduct, nor does He make them according to their behavior during a single period of time. He will absolutely not be lenient toward all of one’s wicked conduct because of one’s past service for God, nor will He spare one from death because of a one-time expense for God. No one can evade retribution for their wickedness, and no one can cover up their wicked conduct and thereby evade the torment of destruction. If one can truly do one’s own duty, then this means that they are eternally faithful to God and do not seek rewards, regardless of whether they receive blessings or suffer misfortune. If people are faithful to God when they see blessings but lose their faithfulness when they cannot see blessings and in the end are still unable to bear witness for God and still unable to do their duty as they should, these people who once rendered service to God faithfully will still be destroyed. In short, wicked people cannot survive through eternity, nor can they enter into rest; only the righteous are the masters of rest.

from “God and Man Will Enter Into Rest Together” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
